Comparative Properties of Belden Insulating & Jacketing Compounds

Below is a comparison of the types of jacketing compounds available for Belden cables and their individual properties:

Properties PVC LDPE Cellular HDPE Polyethylene Polypropylene
Oxidation resistance E E E E E
Heat resistance G G G E E
Oil resistance F G-E G G-E F
Low temperature flexing F E E E P
Weather Sun (UV) resistance G E E E E
Ozone resistance E E E E E
Abrasion resistance F G F E F-G
Electrical properties F E E E E
Flame resistance E P P P P
Nuclear radiation resistance F G-E G G-E F
Water resistance F E E E E
Acid resistance G G-E G-E E E
Alkali resistance G G-E G-E E E
Aliphatic hydrocarbons Gasoline, Kerosene, etc. resistance P G-E G G-E P-F
Aromatic Hydrocarbons Benzol, Toluol, etc resistance P-F P P P P-F
Halogenated hydrocarbons degreaser solvents resistance P G G G P
Alcohol resistance G E E E E
Underground burial P G N/A E N/A


Properties PUR Nylon Polypropylene CPE Flamarrest ® LSNH FEP Teflon ®*
Oxidation resistance E E E E E O
Heat resistance G E E G-E G-E O
Oil resistance E E E F G E
Low temperature flexing G G E P-G F-G O
Weather Sun (UV) resistance G E E G G O
Ozone resistance E E E E E E
Abrasion resistance O E E-O F-G F-G E
Electrical properties P P E G G E
Flame resistance P P E E E E
Nuclear radiation resistance G F-G O F F P
Water resistance P-G P-F O F G E
Acid resistance F P-F E G P-F E
Alkali resistance F E E G G E
Aliphatic hydrocarbons Gasoline, Kerosine, etc. resistance P-G G E P F E
Aromatic Hydrocarbons Benzol, Toluol, etc resistance P-G G G-E P-F P-F E
Halogentated hydrocarbons degreaser solvents resistance P-G G E P-F P E
Alcohol resistance P-G P E G G E
Underground burial G P E-O P F E

P = Poor, F = Fair, G = Good, E = Excellent, O = Outstanding

*Teflon® is a trademark of Du Pont company

Flamarrest® is a trademark of Belden

Below is the typical characteristics of popular insulation and jacketing compounds


EPDM (ethylene-propylene-diene elastomer) is a chemically cross-linked elastomer with excellent flexibility at high and low temperatures (150° to -55°C). It has good insulation resistance and dielectric strength, as well as excellent abrasion resistance and mechanical properties. EPDM also has better cut¬through resistance than Silicone rubber, which it replaces in some applications.

EPDM is compatible with most varnishes, but after the dip and bake cycle varnish tends to adhere to the insulation (because EPDM, unlike some rubber insulations, does not exude oils or waxes). As lead wires are pulled apart for termination, the varnish cracks, sometimes breaking the insulation.

To resolve this problem, a stearic solution is applied to the lead wire during the put up process. This ensures that rigid varnish does not cause EPDM insulation to rupture when the wire is terminated.

Field evaluations by numerous users reveal that the coated EPDM has excellent varnish resistance at least equal to synthetic elastomers, cross-link polyethylene, or Silicone glass braid in dip and bake systems


Flamarrest is a plenum grade chloridebased jacketing material with low smoke and low flame spread properties. Cables jacketed with Flamarrest meet the UL Standard 910, Plenum Cable Flame Test.


Thermoplastic fluoropolymer material with excellent chemical resistance, electrical properties, thermal characteristics, and impact resistance. The temperature rating is -70°C to 150°C


The temperature range of this material can vary from -55°C to 90°C. The actual range would depend on the formulation used. Neoprene is both oil-resistant and sunlight resistant, making it ideal for many outdoor applications. The most stable colours are Black, Dark Brown, and Gray. The electrical properties are not as good as other insulation materials. Because of this, thicker insulation should be used. Typical designs where this material is used are lead wire insulation and cable jackets.

Polyethylene (Solid and Foamed)

A very good insulation in terms of electrical properties. Low dielectric constant, a stable dielectric constant

over all frequencies, very high insulation resistance. In terms of flexibility, polyethylene can be rated stiff to very hard, depending on molecular weight and density-low density being the most flexible, with high-density, high-molecular weight formulation being very hard. Moisture resistance is rated excellent. Correct Brown and Black formulations have excellent weather resistance. The dielectric constant is 2.3 for solid insulation and typically 1.64 for foam designs. Flame retardant formulations are available with dielectric constants ranging from about 1.7 for foam flame retardant to 2.58 for solid flame retardant polyethylene.

Polypropylene (Solid and Foam)

Similar in electrical properties to polyethylene. This material is primarily used as an insulation material. Typically, it is harder than polyethylene. This makes it suitable for thin wall insulations. UL maximum temperature rating may be 60°C or 80°C. Most UL styles call for 60°C maximum. The dielectric constant is 2.25 for solid and typically 1.55 for foam designs.


This material is used primarily as a cable jacket material. It has excellent oxidation, oil, and ozone resistance. Some formations also have good flame resistance. It is a hard material with excellent abrasion resistance. It has outstanding "memory" properties, making it an ideal jacket material for retractile cords.


Sometimes referred to as vinyl or polyvinyl chloride. Extremely high or low temperature properties cannot be found in one formulation. Certain formulations may have -55°C to 105°C rating. Other common vinyls may have -20°C to 60°C. There are many formulations for the variety of different applications. The many varieties of PVC also differ in pliability and electrical properties. The price range can vary accordingly. Typical dielectric constant values can vary from 3.5 to 6.5


The description of rubber normally includes natural rubber and SBR compounds. Both of these materials can be used for insulations and jackets. There are many formulations of these basic materials. Each formulation is for a specific application. Some formulations are suitable for -55°C minimum, while others are suitable for 75°C maximum.


This is a very soft insulation which has a temperature range from -80°C to 200°C. It has excellent electrical properties plus

ozone resistance, low moisture absorption, weather resistance, and radiation resistance. It typically has low mechanical strength and poor scuff resistance.


This material has excellent electrical properties, temperature range and chemical resistance. It is not suitable where subjected to nuclear radiation and does not have good high voltage characteristics. FEP Teflon is extrudable in a manner similar to PVC and polyethylene. This means that long wire and cable lengths are available. TFE Teflon is extrudable in a hydraulic ram type process. Lengths are limited due to amount of material in the ram, thickness of the insulation, and preform size.

TFE must be extruded over a silver- or nickel coated wire. The nickel- and silver¬coated designs are rated 260°C and 200°C. maximum, respectively. The cost of Teflon is approximately 8 to 10 times more per pound than PVC compounds.


Fluorocopolymer thermoplastic material having excellent electrical properties, heat resistance, chemical resistance, toughness, radiation resistance, and flame resistance. The temperature rating is -65°C to 150°C.

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