Choose the ABB HVAC Drive You Need with the ABB Configurator

Thursday 6th July 2023

Finding the right HVAC Drive for the application you need can be a minefield. Not only getting the right range can be tricky, but also deciding on what specifications and features you need to ensure a smooth running of operations.

So, to help customers decide on which product would best suit the heating or ventilation application needed, ABB have created a configurator to help. Simply click on the link below and this will take you to the configurator page.

ABB Configurator

From here you can select the range and specifications needed, like the ACH580 for example or accessories such as a Profibus adapter module.

Once you input all the details of the drive you need, then it will automatically generate a part code for you along with a datasheet and information needed about that drive.

Now should you still be unsure about the generated drive and whether or not it is suitable for application or want a bit more information, then contact us at or call us on 01628 529 448.

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