NSSHÖU Mining Cable

Hsshou Mining Cable

Cable Construction

Conductor: Flexible tinned copper conductor Cl. 5,
acc to IEC 60228, DIN VDE 0295
Insulation: Rubber EPR type 3G13 acc. to DIN VDE 0207
Colour cores: acc. to DIN VDE 0293-308, HD 308 S2from 6 cores black cores
with consecutive numbers acc. to EN 50334;
green-yellow earth-wire from 3 cores
Stranding: central support unit, cores twisted around withshort length of lay
Inner sheath: rubber GM1b
Outer sheath: YELLOW PCP compound 5GM5as per DIN VDE 0207

Cable Features

  • Ozone resistance
  • high insulation resistance
  • resistant against hot penetration
  • low abrasion
  • high notch resistance
  • resistant against toils fat and chemicals
  • MSHA, GOST-R and WUG approvals on request
  • For application in underground mining for SPEEDS and MINIMUM BENDING RADIUS

Technical Details

Temperature range
Fixed installation: – 40°C + 80°C
Flexible installation: – 25°C + 80°C
Nominal voltage: Uo/U 0.6/1 kV
Test voltage: 3000 V
Max. operating voltage: Uo/U = 0.7/1.2 kVUo/U = 0.9/1.8 kV
Insulation resistance: > 20 MOhm x km
Tensile strength static: 15 N/mm2
Min. bending radius:
  fixed installation: 4 x d
  flexing installation: 10 x d
  without forced operation: 15 x d
Fire resistant: according to DIN VDE 0482 part 265-2-1/EN50265-2-1/IEC 60332-1 (equivalent DIN VDE0472 part 804 test method B)
Oil resistance: test of oil resistant to DIN VDE 0472 part 803,test method A

Ordering Information

No. of cores
x cross-section
n x mm2
Outer-Øca. mm
± 10%
Copper weight
Cable weight approx.
Tensile strength
1×16 10.6 154 235 240 6
1×25 12.1 240 339 375 4
1×35 13.4 336 431 525 2
1×50 15.8 480 625 750 1
1×70 17.7 672 838 1050 2/0
1×95 19.8 912 1080 1425 3/0
1×120 21.7 1152 1345 1800 4/0
1×150 24.1 1440 1653 2250 250 MCM
1×185 26.8 1776 2010 2775 350 MCM
1×240 29.4 2304 2542 3600 450 MCM
1×300 33.4 2880 3210 4500 550 MCM
2×1.5 10.9 29 172 45 16
2×2.5 11.8 48 208 75 14
2×4 13 77 240 120 12
3G1.5 12.2 43 155 68 16
3×2.5 12.2 72 216 113 14
3G2.5 13.2 72 217 113 14
3×4 13.6 115 280 180 12
3G4 14.3 115 304 180 12
3×6 14.3 173 354 270 10
3G6 17.4 173 354 270 10
3×10 17.4 288 512 450 8
3×16 20.3 461 785 720 6
3×25 24.2 720 1170 1125 4
3×35 26.7 1008 1460 1575 2
3×50 31.2 1440 2070 2250 1
3×70 36.6 2016 2875 3150 2/0
3×95 42.7 2736 3815 4275 3/0
3×120 46.5 3456 5010 5400 4/0
3×150 52.3 4320 5902 6750 250 MCM
3×70/35 44.6 2352 4460 3150 2/0
3×95/50 53.1 3216 5910 4275 3/0
3×120/70 54 4128 7300 5400 4/0
3×150/70 73.1 4992 7119 7800 250 MCM
3×50+3G25/3 31.2 1680 2312 2250 1
3×70+3G25/3 36.6 2352 3280 3150 2/0
3×95+3G50/3 45.6 3216 4375 4275 3/0
3×120+3G50/3 46.5 4128 5460 5400 4/0
3×150+3G70/3 53.9 4992 6945 6750 250 MCM
3×185+3G95/3 56.8 6240 8282 8325 350 MCM
3×240+3G120/3 8064 450 MCM
3×300+3G150/3 74.7 10080 13238 13500 550 MCM
4G1.5 12.1 58 212 90 16
4G2.5 13.1 96 235 150 14
4G4 14.1 154 345 240 12
4G6 16.2 230 450 360 10
4G10 18.7 384 670 600 8
4G16 22.9 614 1030 960 6
4G25 26.2 960 1475 1500 4
4G35 30.2 1344 1920 2100 2
4G50 35.4 1920 2620 3000 1
4G70 41.3 2688 3745 4200 2/0
4G95 46.6 3648 4820 5700 3/0
4G120 52.2 4608 6308 7200 4/0
4G150 57.2 5760 7568 9000 250 MCM
5G1.5 13 72 252 113 16
5G2.5 14 120 303 188 14
5G4 16 192 424 300 12
5G6 17.4 288 590 450 10
5G10 20.3 480 775 750 8
5G16 26.1 768 1310 1200 6
5G25 31.2 1200 1999 1875 4
7G1.5 14 101 272 158 16
8G1.5 14.9 115 320 180 16
7G2.5 16.8 168 410 225 14
10G1.5 16.8 144 420 270 16
12G1.5 17.1 173 505 315 16
14G1.5 18.1 202 610 427 16
19G1.5 20.2 274 405 263 16
8G2.5 16.2 192 440 300 14
10G2.5 17.1 240 520 375 14
12G2.5 18.7 288 570 450 14
14G2.5 18.6 336 656 525 14
18G2.5 20 432 852 675 14
19G2.5 22.5 466 910 712 14
24G2.5 23.6 576 1015 900 14
12×4 24.1 461 820 720 12
12×6 25.2 691 1120 1080 10

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