EF CY Data Transmission Cable

EF CY Highly Flexible, screened Data Transmission Cable

Suitable for automated production processes where data transmission cables of high flexibility are required, also for use in drag chains and where the cable is exposed to fast and abrupt movements. The overall screen grants a protection against electro-magnetic interferences. The EF CY is extra flexible class 6 stranding with PUR outer sheath which helps with abrasion resistancy and is more oil resistant. Also particularly suitable for Robotics cable.

  • Super fine strands of bare copper wire
  • PVC core insulation, colour code according to DIN 47100
  • Cores twisted in layers
  • Fleece wrapping
  • PVC outer sheath grey, RAL7001 as per VDE 0207
  • Bending radius 15 x ø

Temperature range flexing : -5oC to +80oC

No. of Cores and mm2 per conductor Outer diameter in mm Max. Approx Weight kg / km
EF YY (Flex EF) - Class 5 flexible stranding
2 x 0.5 5.8 40
3 G 0.5 6.2 48
4 G 0.5 6.8 58
5 G 0.5 7.3 67
7 G 0.5 8.5 88
12 G 0.5 10.0 136
18 G 0.5 12.0 195
25 G 0.5 14.9 274
30 G 0.5 14.9 312
34 G 0.5 16.3 359
50 G 0.5 19.2 515
61 G 0.5 21.0 624

2 X 0.75 6.2 49
3 G 0.75 6.7 60
4 G 0.75 7.3 73
5 G 0.75 7.9 86
7 G 0.75 9.4 117
12 G 0.75 11.2 181
16 G 0.75 12.6 234
18 G 0.75 13.3 259
25 G 0.75 15.9 363
26 G 0.75 15.9 374
30 G 0.75 16.5 416

2 x 1.0 6.6 58
3 G 1.0 7.1 72
4 G 1.0 7.8 88
5 G 1.0 8.5 104
7 G 1.0 10.1 142
12 G 1.0 12.0 221
14 G 1.0 12.9 258
16 G 1.0 13.6 287
18 G 1.0 14.5 324
25 G 1.0 17.8 445
26 G 1.0 17.8 459
34 G 1.0 19.6 595
41 G 1.0 21.2 712
50 G 1.0 22.9 854
54 G 1.0 26.2 1097

2 x 1.5 7.3 74
3 G 1.5 7.9 93
4 G 1.5 8.6 114
5 G 1.5 9.6 139
7 G 1.5 11.5 189
12 G 1.5 13.5 295
16 G 1.5 15.2 381
18 G 1.5 16.3 429
25 G 1.5 20.0 597
26 G 1.5 20.0 615
34 G 1.5 21.7 783
41 G 1.5 23.6 936
42 G 1.5 23.6 954
50 G 1.5 25.6 1134
52 G 1.5 25.6 1170
61 G 1.5 28.4 1372

3 G 2.5 9.5 145
4 G 2.5 10.5 179
5 G 2.5 11.8 218
7 G 2.5 14.2 303
12 G 2.5 16.7 473
14 G 2.5 17.9 548

3 G 4.0 11.2 214
4 G 4.0 12.3 266
5 G 4.0 13.7 325

4 G 6.0 14.5 396
5 G 6.0 16.2 484
4 G 10.0 18.3 644
5 G 10.0 20.3 785

4 G 16.0 21.2 922
5 G 16.0 23.7 1133

No. of Cores and mm² per conductor Outer diameter in mm Max. Approx Weight kg / km
EF CY - class 6 extra flexible stranding
2 x 0.5 7.4 74
3 G 0.5 7.8 84
4 G 0.5 8.4 98
5 G 0.5 8.9 110
7 G 0.5 10.3 143
12 G 0.5 11.9 201
18 G 0.5 14.0 287
25 G 0.5 17.2 394
30 G 0.5 17.2 432

2 x 0.75 7.8 85
3 G 0.75 8.3 99
4 G 0.75 8.9 116
5 G 0.75 9.5 133
7 G 0.75 11.3 178
12 G 0.75 13.0 253
16 G 0.75 14.8 339
18 G 0.75 15.5 368
25 G 0.75 18.7 496
26 G 0.75 18.7 507
30 G 0.75 18.7 549

2 x 1.0 8.2 97
3 G 1.0 8.7 114
4 G 1.0 9.4 134
5 G 1.0 10.3 159
7 G 1.0 12.0 207
12 G 1.0 14.0 314
16 G 1.0 15.9 339
18 G 1.0 16.8 443
25 G 1.0 20.2 612
26 G 1.0 20.2 625
34 G 1.0 22.1 787
41 G 1.0 23.8 918
50 G 1.0 26.1 1120
65 G 1.0 29.2 1398

2 x 1.5 8.9 117
3 G 1.5 9.5 139
4 G 1.5 10.4 169
5 G 1.5 11.5 201
7 G 1.5 13.3 262
12 G 1.5 15.8 404
16 G 1.5 17.5 503
18 G 1.5 18.5 560
25 G 1.5 22.5 793
26 G 1.5 22.5 811
34 G 1.5 24.5 1005
42 G 1.5 26.8 1210
50 G 1.5 29.0 1439
61 G 1.5 31.8 1707

3 G 2.5 11.4 207
4 G 2.5 12.4 247
5 G 2.5 13.8 307
7 G 2.5 16.5 418

3 G 4.0 13.0 285
4 G 4.0 14.3 360
5 G 4.0 16.0 436

4 G 6.0 16.8 514
5 G 6.0 18.4 614

4 G 10.0 20.8 824
5 G 10.0 22.8 983
4 G 16.0 23.8 1207
5 G 16.0 26.9 1505

G = Protective conductor
X = without protective conductor

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