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Tranilamp Pushbuttons and Indicators

CSE is a leading supplier of the world-famous range of Tranilamp transformer lamp indicators including multi-test units in a variety of voltages. Pushbuttons, LEDs, bulbs, housings and coloured lenses are all available.

Tranilamp Indicator BodiesIndicator Bodies  (MES bulb housing)

Part Ref. Description Input-V Output-V
LMU/24/4 Standard indicator-direct feed / 24v MES bulb 24V 24V
TMU/24/4 Transformer indicator body 24v supply / 6v MES bulb 24V 6V
TMU/110/4 Transformer indicator body 110v supply / 6v MES bulb 110V 6V
TMU/240/4 Transformer indicator body 240v supply / 6v MES bulb 240V 6V
MTMU/24/4 Multi-test indicator body 24v supply / 6v MES bulb 24V 6V
MTMU/110/4 Multi-test indicator body 110v supply / 6v MES bulb 110V 6V
MTMU/240/4 Multi-test indicator body 240v supply / 6v MES bulb 240V 6V
DTMU/24/4 Diode-Test indicator body 24v supply / 24v MES bulb 24V 24V
All bodies supplied complete with bulb.


Tranilamp Bezels / Lens UnitsBezels / Fixing Adaptors

Part Ref Panel Hole Description
MH 19mm Chrome bezel for the MC lens
MP 19mm Black plastic bezel for the BJ lens
FH 22.5mm Chrome watertight bezel for the FA lens
FHB 22.5mm Chrome bezel for the FB lens


Lens Units

Part Ref Description For Use With Available Colours
MC Lens unit, Max 2 watt MH Bezels Red, Amber, Green, Blue, Clear, White
BJ Lens unit, Max 2 watt MP Bezels Red, Amber, Green, Blue, Clear, White
FA Lens unit, Max 2 watt FH Bezels Red, Amber, Green, Blue, Clear, White
FB Lens unit, Max 2 watt FHB Bezels Red, Amber, Green, Blue, Clear, White


Standard Pushbutton Units

For mounting in control panel door – push-on wiring connections.

Part Ref Panel Hole Description Available Colours
PBMH/100/5F 19mm Flush, 1no + 1nc Red, Yellow, Green, Black, Blue
PBMH/200/5F 19mm Flush, 2no + 2nc Red, Yellow, Green, Black, Blue

Ordering example : PBMH/100/5F/RED

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